Amarillo-area H.S. Football Standings as of Oct. 18


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The Randall Raiders football team runs out on the field during their District 3-5A game against Plainview last Friday at Happy State Bank Stadium. [David Erickson/ Press Pass Sports]

Thursday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Amarillo High at Palo Duro

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Lubbock Monterey at Tascosa

Caprock at Lubbock Coronado

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Randall at Abilene Wylie

WF Rider at Plainview

WF High at Lubbock-Cooper

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Canyon at Pampa

Herford at Dumas

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Lubbock Estacado at Perryton

Seminole at Borger

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Bushland at Dalhart

Muleshoe at River Road

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Friona at Canadian

Tulia at Childress

Dimmitt at Spearman

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Olton at Sanford-Fritch

Panhandle at Boys Ranch

Farwell at WT High

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Bovina at Smyer

Sudan at Ropes

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Gruver at Stratford

Vega at Booker

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Clarendon at Wellington

Memphis at Wheeler

Thursday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Valley at Happy

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

McLean at Claude

Friday’s Games

Nazareth at Kress (7 p.m.)

Petersburg at Springlake-Earth (7:30 p.m.)

Thursday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Follett at Darrouzett

Friday’s Games (7 p.m.)

Lefors at Miami

Thursday’s Games (7:30 p.m.)

Wildorado at Silverton

Friday’s Games (7:30 p.m.)

Groom at Hart

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