Davin Lemmons and the Amarillo Sandies are undefeated so far through District 2-5A Division I. [John Moore/ Press Pass Sports]
District 2-6A
Team District Overall
Midland Lee 1-0 6-0
Tascosa 1-0 5-1
Odessa Permian 1-0 3-3
Frenship 0-1 4-2
Odessa High 0-1 2-4
Midland High 0-1 1-5
Friday’s games (7:30 p.m.): Tascosa at Odessa Permian; Odessa High at Midland Lee; Midland High at Frenship.
District 2-5A Division I
Team District Overall
Abilene Cooper 3-0 7-0
Amarillo High 2-0 4-2
Caprock 2-0 2-4
Coronado 1-2 3-4
Palo Duro 1-2 3-4
Monterey 0-2 2-4
Lubbock High 0-2 1-6
Thursday’s game: Amarillo High vs Palo Duro, 7 p.m.
Friday’s games (7:30 p.m.): Cooper at Caprock; Coronado vs Monterey.
District 3-5A Division II
Team District Overall
Lubbock Cooper 1-0 5-1
W.F. Rider 1-0 3-3
W.F. High 1-0 2-4
Randall 0-1 1-5
Plainview 0-1 1-5
Abilene Wylie 0-1 0-6
Friday’s games (7 p.m.): Plainview at Randall; Lubbock Cooper at W.F. Rider; W.F. High at Abilene Wylie.
District 3-4 Division I
Team District Overall
Dumas 0-0 7-0
Canyon 0-0 6-1
Pampa 0-0 6-1
Hereford 0-0 4-3
District is open.
District 2-4A Division II
Team District Overall
Lubbock Estacado 1-0 7-0
Dalhart 1-0 4-3
Levelland 0-0 2-4
Borger 0-1 1-5
Perryton 0-1 1-5
Friday’s games (7 p.m.): Lubbock Estacado at Dalhart; Levelland at Borger.
Bushland quarterback Jared Thomas and the Falcons are 6-0 on the season. [Tom Carver/ Press Pass Sports]
District 2-3A Division I
Team District Overall
Bushland 1-0 6-0
Shallowater 1-0 3-3
Littlefield 1-0 3-3
Slaton 0-1 3-3
River Road 0-1 2-4
Muleshoe 0-1 0-6
Friday’s games (7 p.m.): Littlefield at Bushland; River Road at Slaton; Shallowater at Muleshoe.
District 3-3A Division II
Team District Overall
Canadian 1-0 6-0
Spearman 1-0 4-2
Childress 1-0 1-5
Friona 0-1 1-5
Tulia 0-1 3-3
Dimmitt 0-1 1-5
Friday’s games (7 p.m.): Canadian at Childress; Spearman at Friona; Dimmitt at Tulia.
District 1-2A Division I
Team District Overall
Panhandle 1-0 5-1
West Texas High 1-0 4-2
Sanford-Fritch 1-0 1-5
Highland Park 0-1 2-4
Sunray 0-1 0-6
Boys Ranch 0-1 0-6
Friday’s games ( 7 p.m.): Panhandle at Highland Park; Sanford-Fritch at West Texas High; Boys Ranch at Sunray.
District 2-2A Division II
Team District Overall
Sudan 1-0 6-0
Farwell 1-0 4-2
S. Earth 1-0 2-4
Bovina 0-1 2-4
Seagraves 0-1 2-4
Plains 0-1 0-6
Friday’s games ( 7 p.m.): Earth at Farwell; Plains at Bovina; Seagraves at Sudan.
District 3-2A Division II
Team District Overall
Stratford 1-0 6-1
Vega 1-0 6-1
Gruver 0-0 4-2
Clarendon 0-1 4-3
Booker 0-1 1-5
Friday’s games ( 7 p.m.): Stratford at Vega; Gruver at Booker.
District 5-2A Division II
Team District Overall
Wellington 1-0 5-1
Wheeler 1-0 5-1
Shamrock 1-0 2-4
Munday 0-1 2-3
Quanah 0-0 1-5
Memphis. 0-0 1-5
Friday’s games ( 7 p.m.): Munday at Wellington; Shamrock at Wheeler; Memphis at Quanah.
District 1-1A Division I
Team District Overall
McLean 0-0 6-1
White Deer 0-0 6-1
Miami 0-0 4-2
Valley 0-0 3-3
Friday’s game ( 7:30 p.m.): Follett at Miami.
District 2-1A Division I
Team District Overall
Happy 1-0 5-2
Perersburg 1-0 2-2
Nazareth 0-0 3-2
Lorenzo 0-1 4-3
Hart 0-1 1-6
Friday’s games ( 7:30 p.m.) Happy at Nazareth; Lorenzo at Hart.
District 1-1A Division II
Team District Overall
Lefors 1-0 3-2
Hedley 1-1 1-6
Groom 0-0 4-2
Higgins 0-1 1-6
Follett 0-1 0-4
Thursday’s game (7:30 p.m.): Groom at Hedley; Higgins at Lefors.
Friday’s game (7:30 p.m.): Follett at Miami.